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Center for Research support and training

Since 2002, the Functional Genomics Center of Bordeaux (CGFB) has brought together seven scientific and technological platforms intended for the study of living organisms at the cellular and molecular scale. In 2020, work was carried out at the University of Bordeaux around research platforms in parallel with the creation of new departments. It led to the labeling of 32 of them. A new federation has taken over from the CGFB to become the federation of research platforms. The scope of this Federation being more extensive, the term "CGFB" no longer reflected the real activities of the building.

History of the construction of this building

From the PGF project, to the PGFB building, then the CGFB and now the CARF (Centre d'Appui à la Recherche et de Formation), here's a film of the building's construction (April 2005 - December 2006)

Hosted teams

  • Bordeaux Research Facilities
  • Bordeaux Bioinformatics Center
  • Bordeaux Imaging Center - Electronic Pole
  • School of Neurosciences
  • Protéome platform