Thirty two scientific and technological platforms are operational:
These platforms help share expertise and heavy equipment.
Each platform covers a specific technological field related to functional genomics and operates 3 types of activities :
- Highly technical services
- Both initial and continuing education and scientific promotion
- Methodological and technological development.
Each platform must promote industrial development activities especially around technology development activities.
The platforms strive to respect the charter defined by research organizations at a national level within the organizational programs of the Infrastructure in Biology, Public Health and Agriculture (IBiSA), (
Each platform has offices and laboratory space dedicated to them, located on three campuses:
- Carreire site of the University of Bordeaux,
- Pessac campus - Talence,
- Green campus of INRAE in Villenave d'Ornon and Pierroton.
The device is flexible and scalable, it allows, structuring new platforms, integrating other technology areas.
The services offered by the platforms are routinely used by a large number of regional laboratories and a growing number of industrial partners. The platforms are also involved in various national and European scientific projects.